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Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Down to Single Digits...

Today marks nine days until our wedding day. I cannot believe how fast this engagement has gone. When we set the date in July it seemed like it would never come around. For ten months the wedding has seemed like a hypothetical, (albeit expensive), day. I think its because when you're growing up as a girl you talk with your friends about "my wedding," or "when I get married," and then follow those statements with something like, "I want a wedding dress made out of diamonds with a 15 foot train and I want Donnie(Wahlberg)to wear a white tuxedo and top hat." But then one day you grow up and you really meet the man you're going to share your life with and your wedding, hopefully, becomes a more scaled down but important celebration of the start of that life. But a part of you really can't believe its really going to happen. Its surreal to say I'm getting married next week. I can't wait!

As excited as I am for this big day, I realized today how great its going to be to be able to get back to regular life without something huge looming ahead of me. I will be relieved to refocus attention on school and finishing the last year and a half of college; serving at church; reading a book for fun and making plans beyond a wedding. There are things I'd like to commit my attention and money too but haven't been able to since we've been planning the wedding. We'd like to paint the living room; I'd like to take more classes to help me finish earlier; work on organizing the kitchen and office; do a bible study for the girls at church; get to know my neighbors...all kinds of things! But for right now, I have nine days left to enjoy our engagement and anticipate our special day and we fully intend to!

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