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Tuesday, April 20, 2010

I bought underwear- a real milestone!

Today was a momentus occassion. I bought underwear for Ricky. Well, that's what I went for and ended up getting that and a ton of new clothes for our honeymoon, (there's a huge sale at JCPenney, by the way). I have never bought him a stitch of clothing in my life! I am taking care of the packing for the honeymoon and I noticed that the three pair of underwear Ricky are at least a decade old and look like swiss cheese. The boy was in need of undies! But because his work schedule is so odd he was not going to have any time to go shopping for himself. I decided to pick some up for him while I was out getting some other things. It just so happens that they were having a great sale and he still needed some sea worthy clothes. Jackpot! But halfway through I realized that I have never bought him clothing before. Not a sweater for Christmas or socks for his birthday...nothing! Actually, I've been afraid to. Ricky is...uh...particular about clothing, food, movies...everything! But I felt confident that I knew his taste well enough to pick up a few things. He'll be home after midnight tonight and I'm excited to see if he likes it!

Now I maybe heading to see my dad! He just got into town tonight for the wedding festivities this week!

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